The purpose of this award is to enable a club to honour its current top class photographic workers so the recipient who is wearing this insignia will be recognised as such.
The Photographic Society of South Africa (PSSA) carry stocks of the infinity broaches for the clubs. This award is made to club members by clubs, not by PSSA. Therefore PSSA can only accept orders from clubs and not from individuals.
PSSA does not lay down rules for awarding this insignia, as this is essentially a club matter.
The only guidelines when a club is drawing up its required standard for its members to achieve, is to remember that this is a nationally recognised insignia of top class current photographic workers. It is not intended for service to the club.
This award may only be made to members who are full members of PSSA.
PSSA would like to have a central register of infinity award holders and clubs are asked to advise Ria Katzke at of the names of people to whom they make this award.
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