Have your articles published on the web

We really want to hear from you as Regions and as Clubs.  Please send us all your Regional News.  Have you had a Regional Congress lately?  Was there a battle between Clubs at your recent Inter Club Competition? Please share it!

The way to do it is to send us a complete article in Word, Excel, Power Point or even a Pdf file which contains your text and the photos (will be nice if your article contains some photos or at least your logo).  Our Webmaster will then publish the article for you, as is, in the wink of an eye! Just email it!

Unlike in a newsletter, where seperate text and photos are needed, an article for publication on the web needs to be complete.  This complete document should please be no larger than 4 MB, smaller is ideal.  If you have a lot of news to share, then send us more than one article, no problem!

Can’t wait to hear from you!

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