Honours Update 2013

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November 2013 HONOURS UPDATE

Congratulations to the following members who were awarded Service Awards this year.  These are awarded for service to photography and PSSA and we thank them all.

Service Medals

Petro Bosman – for the outstanding job she is doing as PRO, promoting PSSA and looking after the interests of all our members.

Antenie Carstens – for Service to PSSA over an extended period of time and most recently for updating the archives.

Chris Daly – for his six years service as Regional Director for the Garden Route. During this time Chris has done an excellent job of promoting PSSA in the region and has mentored many members in their quest for Honours.

Celia Fouche – for the excellent job she did in initiating and running the Western Cape Judges Forum.

Ria Katzke – for the excellent work she has done and continues to do in getting our membership database up and running  efficiently.

Laetitia Kenny – for the lectures and workshops she has done for clubs in her region as well as for national and regional congresses.

Melanie Loubser – for the outstanding work she is doing on the website, making it interesting to look at and user friendly.

Honorary Membership of PSSA – Hon PSSA

Johann van der Walt – for his continued service to PSSA and especially as President over the past two years.

Hon EPSSA(Mille)

Congratulations to Amy Ansell who was awarded the Honorary EPSSA(Mille) for all her achievements on the Salon circuits in colour slides.

Changes in Honours categories

In addition to the categories that everyone knows about such as prints, audio visual and digital it has also been possible for members to apply in categories such as education, scientific and technical and published works – in this fast changing world we need to be able to add new categories as and when required.  We have therefore changed the system slightly – these previous honours are still an option for members but they now fall under a single banner to be known as Applied – under this banner anyone may put forward a proposal for Honours in a specialist field – as long as it is related to photography – no later than 25 January and/or 25 June each year.  Specialist judges will be outsourced.  Anyone wanting to submit a panel accompanied by a narrative should enter it in the Applied section.

Up until now honours could not be awarded jointly and could only be awarded to one person – it is now possible for two members working together on a project to apply for honours jointly under the applied section.

A proposal was received to do away with applications in prints – the proposal was not approved and therefore print applications may still be made.  Applicants are reminded however that print technique is of paramount importance.  Applications will be judged by the judging panel twice a year.

New Application Fees

Application fees for all applications have been increased slightly – these fees are payable for each application.  The new fees are as follows:

LPSSA        R150-00
APSSA        R180-00
EPSSA        R200-00
FPSSA        R200-00
MPSSA        R250-00

Honours Judging Panel

The Honours judging panel has successfully completed its first year of judging and we are very pleased with the way it is working.  The results are more consistent and any problems or discrepancies can be immediately dealt with by the panel.  For those interested the process that is followed it can be found under the Honours judging section of the website.

The judging panel was introduced for a period of two years, after which some of the judges will be replaced – the intention being to maintain consistency but at the same time to bring in new blood.  If any members are interested in joining the panel they should submit their CV to the Honours division.  The minimum period a judge will need to commit for is two years and during this time he/she may not apply for Honours, with the exception of applications in the applied section as well as EPSSA and MPSSA applications.

The updated Honours Manuals will be available on the website shortly.




Please take note of the following changes:

1.  Application in all divisions must be made in one of the following three categories:


No manipulated images may be entered in the Nature or Photojournalism categories.  Raw files may be requested for verification purposes.

Manipulated nature and manipulated photojournalism must be marked as such and must be entered in the open category.  Panels entered in the open category may include both manipulated and non manipulated images.

No images or part thereof may include anyone else’s artwork.  

In the case of documentary Audio Visuals a limited number of reference works may be included provided acknowledgement is given.  The photographic aspect of the Honours application in Audio Visual is an important one and therefore it is necessary that the vast majority of images used in a Documentary Audio Visual should be your own work.  All images used in all other Audio Visuals must be your own work.

2.  The Diamond Rating requirements for Honours applications have been changed as follows:

LPSSA – no diamond rating necessary
APSSA – a three diamond rating in the medium in which you are applying (please note that this does not mean a total of three diamond ratings but a single three diamond rating)
Applicants already holding either a LPSSA in the same medium or an APSSA in another medium may apply directly for an APSSA.

3.  The Diamond Cluster and Mille awards will be acknowledged as EPSSA(Cls) and EPSSA(Mille) respectively.

4.  A panel of between 15 and 25 prints is a now prerequisite for a MPSSA application.

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