From the PRO – June 2016

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Dear Member

You will have noticed from last month that the month-end club competition results, my newsletter and the email to all members have been published later than usual.  This will be the case in the future too to provide enough time, from the 25th of the month when these competitions close, for the judges to judge the images and the winners to provide their stories, for me to collate all the results and for the webmaster to publish all the finalists and winners on the web site.

Motivation, stimulation, appreciation, association, dedication, creation and inspiration – some of the many words that came to mind for me over these past few days. These words I hope we can all relate to when we think of this wonderful hobby of ours – photography.

What a lovely surprise I got on a blue Monday morning when I opened my emails and there was an email from Freeman Patterson, albeit after I replied, Freeman realised that he had pressed the wrong Evelyn button but as he said this mistake connected him again with lovely memories of his many years that he has come and still comes to South Africa. This directed me to his book, which I have on my book shelve “Garden of the Gods” and in it I found the following “Namaqualand offers flowers as symbols of hope and courage; we are able to believe that, like flowers buffeted, beaten and scarred by external forces, we can still attain moments of excellence and great beauty.” I am sure some of you know and have been with Freeman as I have and have been influenced profoundly with his philosophies and manner of looking at photographic images. Sometimes and possibly in the winter months, when we feel a bit down and need inspiration for our hobbies and perhaps also for our country at the moment, a lot of the words as above encourage us to keep thinking positive and to keep motivated.

PSSA in many ways encompasses these words in the work being done through out our Society and it is thanks, as always to you as members for keeping the Society in this positive path with your continual feedback.

Events, priorities, dates etc., of importance in our calendar at present to take note of.


A Fujifilm Experience event being held at the Open Window Institute, Southdowns, Centurion, 16-18 June, info here on our web site – Our President, Francois is one of the speakers at this event.


COEs information – this is for students at a registered scholastic institution under the age of 19 – The closing date for the next applications is the 29th JULY. – Please check this all out here on our web site. Motivate, inspire and stimulate the students to participate.


Honours Panel applications closes 25th June – all info also here on our web site. Good luck to all our applicants. Dedicate and keep motivated with your panels.


Congratulations as always to the PSSA Club winners and Web winner this month, as always inspiring images. This month it was great to see that the common mistake made of forgetting to put your club in and not leaving it as Independent was 100% correct – THANK YOU.


INTER CLUB, MAGAZINE AND WEB SITE COMPETITIONS – all info on our web site but a friendly reminder to all Chairpersons of our Clubs – good luck, we look forward to all the entries.


Just a friendly reminder if there are changes in your Club Chairpersons detail PLEASE inform our web master (Melanie), our Membership Secretary (Ria Katzke), our 1st Vice President (Anne d’Oliveira) and myself as the PRO. THANK YOU.


Nominations for the National Directors for the Board have been completed and the ballot papers will be distributed to all members shortly. Thank you to all nominees for their willingness to stand and serve PSSA. Not all our members will be familiar with the nominees but the key to being able to make a decision would be to read through their CVs here on our web site to help you make an informed decision. By reading the CVs it would help establish their expertise and value of serving the members of our Soceity.


Our Magazine – “Image” has now started to appear in our post boxes. Once again we have to depend on the services of our postal service as well as you, our members for making sure that if your address changes or your status in any way changes, you must inform Ria Katze, our Membership Secretary. We are continually working as a dedicated team to ensure the work flow and production involved with the Magazine is timeously kept up to date and revisted on a regular basis.

Photography – you are the most important part of any image, I had forgotten this and when I read this somewhere recently, it was a WOW factor for me. It is what you see, what you like, what you think, what you feel and what you believe makes your photography unique. If you can make photographs that successfully convey your feelings, your thoughts and ideas, your beliefs and passions and your very soul in your work, well that is a successful image.

Go out and try something new, whatever that may be – do it now- don’t keep putting it off until tomorrow.

To finish someone once said to me “As a poet uses words, so a photographer uses light”, very thought provoking.



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