From the PRO – Apr 2016

Evelyn profile pic new 350



Dear Member

I do hope everyone had a joyous holiday, relaxing time, great photographic opportunities etc., etc., over the Easter holiday break.

As we move into our winter season, I am sure we can all feel the difference in temperatures and we start to curl up under our blankets and place ourselves in front of the television. Although that is lovely, please do not do it too much as we need to still make sure we get out there and get these winning shots.

Once again a great display of our Club Winners and our Web Site Images from around the country. Here I must mention that Ermelo Club, that won the Junior Image this month, it was their first time entry into this Competition – CONGRATS to all the winners but to Ermelo well done, I do hope this encourages more of our clubs to enter. Just my friendly reminder again to remember to change Independent in the default in Photovault to your Club name, otherwise your club does not get the recognition when the images are published on our web site.

Our Magazine – IMAGE – thank you to all who contacted me with regard non-delivery of this Mag. Mine took six weeks for delivery, whereas some members got theirs within 2 days of posting. Unfortunately our postal services remains an issue. Through this exercise we also picked up some errors in our members addresses etc., PLEASE make sure you always inform our Secretary, Ria Katze when any changes occur in your status. I do hope everyone has had theirs by now and have enjoyed the content – the next one is due out in June and the theme for it will be FLASH.

Congrats to all our new Honours holders, some real stunning, impressive panels now displayed on our web site. No need now to forward to me, four of your images for publication, as per initial instruction, as Hein, our Editor has downloaded the panels from Photovault, which has made everything so much easier.

The next PSSA event is Prince Albert Congress: 25 April – 29 April.  All info on the web – wishing the organisers good luck with this event.

The Marike Bruwer Award Competition for Visual Art Photography – info on the web but start thinking about this competition and the following points will help you in deciding:

(a) image should communicate a personal statement.

(b) Image should convey a mood, an emotion etc.

(c) Emphasis on creativity, imagination..

Closing date 29 July 2016, contact : for any further information.

I always like to finish with something that makes us think, makes us question and even gets some debate going.

Anne Geddes said in 1956

“ Quote – I think that the emotional content is an image’s most important element, regardless of the photographic technique. Much of the work I see these days lacks the emotional impact to draw a reaction from viewers, or remain in their heart ….. unquote”

Well……….. different today !!!!!!!!!

Keep enjoying photography and keep producing these images that we all in PSSA enjoy viewing.

Thanks as always from PSSA for your support.




2013 01 Hein fotostrip

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