I officially joined amateur photography in 1982 when I joined the Vanderbijlparkse Fotografiese Vereniging. I still participate very actively at my club.
I joined PSSA later the same year.
At club level, because we did, and still do a lot of in-house judging, I have been exposed to judging from a very early stage.
I have now been an active photographer for the past 41 years.
I achieved my APSSA (Slides), in 1995.
I was, for the first time, invited as an honours judge shortly after. I have since been actively involved in honours judging as a judge, and also in the administration as the co-organiser for the judging sessions for more than 20 years.
I do regard myself as a fairly versatile photographer. I believe my Honours achievements illustrate that:
APSSA (1995) (slides) – open (pictorial)
FPSSA (2004) (slides) – specialist sport
APSSA (2006) (digital) – specialist nature
FPSSA (2009) (digital) – specialist landscape
MPSSA (2013)- Presentation on landscape photography
AV-LPSSA (2020)
EFIAP (2020) with pictorial and nature acceptances at International Salons
EPSSA (Mille) (2021)
I have been active on the salon scene since 1983 (slides), and since PSSA introduced digital salons in 2004, my first digital salon participation was the Hermanus salon in October 2005. I achieved a number of 10 awards on the Impala log, and still participate in salons on a regular basis.
I have been involved with the PSSA JAP programme since the start in 2009. I have been involved in the development of the programme together with Jill, Barrie, Johann vd Walt and others. I have also been one of the presenters. We have presented the programme across SA for over 10 years now. It is important to note that the JAP programme is a task never completed; development is taking place all the time with inputs from many of our members on a continuous basis. This is incorporated by us on a continuous basis as I also keep learning every day.
Below some of Francois’s AV Posters

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