Gus Waschefort is an Associate Professor of international law at the University of South Africa and served previously as legal advisor to the United Nations Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial summary or arbitrary executions. His academic interest relates primarily to the intersect of International Humanitarian Law, International Human Rights Law and International Criminal Law – to this end he places much emphasis on human rights fact-finding, and is known for his work on children in armed conflict.
Gus’s passion is divided equally between international law and the visual documentation of human rights abuses through photography. He spent four years of his career working as a professional freelance photojournalist and has, in the course of his work as both legal academic and photographer, travelled to more than forty countries on four continents. Gus speaks often at international conferences and symposia on a broad range of international law issues. At present Gus is serving as Co-Rapporteur of the International Human Rights Law Committee of the International Law Association.
Gus is an Admitted Advocate of the High Court of South Africa, and consults on cases in which international law is relevant on an ad hoc basis.
Gus is of the view that working as an academic offers him the opportunity to critically engage with relevant legal issues, travel across the globe and in the process, stay active as a photographer.
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