10th Up and Coming Competition

2016.04.30 Up Coming 925


CLOSING DATE 2016.04.30


This year the Up-and-Coming Competition has had a facelift to the format of prior years.

There are now two sections to the Competition


PSSA invite any Junior member of an affiliated PSSA Club (1 Star to 3 Star), whether they are PSSA members or non-PSSA members to enter – SECTION 1. The main purpose of this competition is to create an opportunity for club members who do not yet feel ready for National Salons to compete in a national competition with their peers.

A JUNIOR is a person

– Who is a 1 – 3 star photographer at a PSSA affiliated club

– Who need not be a member of PSSA

– Who does not hold any honours titles from PSSA and who has not yet applied for any honours titles with PSSA


Additionally, the competition has expanded to include scholars up to the age of 19 provided they are from a recognised scholastic institution – SECTION 2. The main purpose of this competition is to create an opportunity for scholars to compete in an external competition to any that are run within the schools and to compete with their peers throughout South Africa.

A SCHOLAR is a person

– Who is from a scholastic institution

– Who is not older than 19 years at 30 April 2016

Who need not be a member of PSSA

– Who does not hold any honours titles from PSSA and

Who has not yet applied for any honours titles with PSSA


Please click on the icon for the brochure pdf


Winning images of the 9th Up & Coming Competition below


Nature and Wildlife Winning Image PSSA Bronze Medal

Rensia Fourie – Vanderbijlpark Fotografiese Vereniging

Title: Kortbeksuikerbekkie

Kortbeksuikerbekkie Nature and Wildlife Rensia Fourie Vanderbijlpark Winner PSSA Bronze Medal


Pictorial Winning Image PSSA Bronze Medal

Elaine Lamb – George Camera Club

Title: The Veil of Emotion

The Veil of Emotion Pictorial Elaine Lamb George Winner PSSA Bronze Medal

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